So I came across this tag from Pandadeebo's bog and I just had to do it to bring my content up a bit.

1. When is your birthday?

July 28th 

2. What are 3 of your favourite colours?
Black, Grey, Black, White... did I mention Black??

3. 3 favourite quotes?
"happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light" - Albus Dumbledore 

"Do what I do. hold tight and pretend it's a place" - 11th Doctor 

4. Are you addicted to youtube?
Of course I am addicted. I watch youtube videos when I woke until I go to sleep at night. (I had to steal this one because that is literally me, I watch you've videos whenever possible.)

5. What/who are your 3 favourite TV programmes and/or Youtubers?
My favourite TV programmes are: Once Upon a Time, Rupaul's drag race & Modern family.
My favourite youtubers are: Jackie Aina, Samantha (the Canadian one) & Lauren Curtis .

6. What are 3 qualities you would admire in a best friend?
loves staying in as much as I do, loves Harry Potter as much as I do and would consider travelling.

7. Do you like your name?
When I was little I hated it because nobody had this name in my school and I thought that this name is so uncommon because is but now I love it and can't imagine myself with other name. I think this name is unique. I only have this name. NO ONE ELSE I KNOW HAS THIS NAME

8. If you could choose your own name, what name would you choose?
 I don't wanna change it. At this moment I'm very happy with my name BUT IF I DID, I'd change it to Kehlani

9. What is your fantasy dream?
to live somewhere where its constant hot, be able to look at sunsets all the time and eat lots of mango.

10. Do you wear make-up? 
everyday, Monday-thursday when I have uni or when I go out somewhere nice.

11. If you could write a book, what the title be and what would it be about?
How to Procrastinate. it would give you all the tips and trick to procrastinate your life I did with this blog post lol

12. What makes you cry?
literally everything, I'm a mess dude. I can cry of sad film and when I laugh too much and cute pictures of dogs

13. What makes you angry?
sexist people
parents who neglect their kids
Pedo, murderers and a whole lot more

14. What makes you happy?
filming videos, talking to my friends and sleeping

15. What is 'Fangirling'?
when someone is so obsessed with something they lose their shit and all cool.

16. What are your 3 favourite snacks?
ice cream, fruit, chocolate

17. What are your 3 favourite foods?
Pancakes, scrambled eggs and veggie sausages

18. What are your 3 favourite drinks?
Mint tea (literally any tea will do, I love tea), orange juice & coffee

19. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I live in London. I have 3 siblings, all very annoying as you can imagine. I'm a pharmacology student in my first year and I love to sleep 

20. What are 10 random facts about you?
#im turing 20 this year and I feel hella old
#I love making short films
#I wear glasses because I'm blind af
#I love reading books
#I love watching reality tv shows
#bring me the horizon speaks to my soul
#miley Cyrus is my girl crush forever
#I love love animals
#I hate studying chemistry 
#I play words with friends on my own

Hope you enjoyed something different,

Love Landrine x

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