Hello again,

Yes, I know, I’m probably the worst “beauty” blogger known to man! However, I’ve been at uni for the past month or so and I just wanted to give myself time to get to know my flat mates, fully adjust to uni life and to just “find myself”. Which is actually what I wanted to talk about. Most of us go to uni with this mind-set that we will change ourselves, find ourselves, our “true” selves or become a better person. At least I did.

When people think of uni they think; partying, day drinking, making lots and LOTS of new friends, having sex all the time and the occasional work. When I think of uni I think; work, work, presentation, constant anxiety, stress, exploring the city and TIRED ALL THE TIME.

I rocked up to uni thinking that I would suddenly change or become “better” at all the things I sucked at. I thought that being away from family that I would find my own identity and that’s KINDA true but at the same time it was the novelty of being away from home, away from parents to tell you what you can and cannot do. 6 weeks in and I find myself sitting in my room almost every weekend doing absolutely nothing because the people I have become aquatinted with have either gone out, busy with other people and I can’t bear to ask if I can join in because it almost feels like I’m pushing myself into a friendship group that I may or may not be wanted in. It makes it easier for me to pretend I’m doing something or have something planned so I don’t interfere with their plans or feel left out in some way. Yes, I know this may all be in my head which is something I thought uni would fix. I thought it would make me a little more confident, to just make friends with people and more outgoing but im still just as introverted as ever.

It’s only 6 weeks into Uni life and my course so I can’t be making any lasting judgment right now but take each day just as it comes with all the new experiences and new people I’m meeting.

If anyone else is at uni or have uni stories then tell me below

Landrine x

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